The Arsenal Files 5
The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO
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█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc One of Two
█████ Anti-Virus / Encryption
AVP21UPD.ZIP AntiViral Toolkit Pro v2.1 Cumulative Update
for March 1995. This is the final update for
the evaluation version 2.1.
AVSCN219.ZIP AVScan v2.19. German Virus Scanner.
CEDWE40L.ZIP CrypEdit v4.0l. Edit, view, and print
multiple encrypted or plain text files while
also enabling them to UU encode or decode,
compress or expand, secure delete, and
encrypt or decrypt DOS compatible files of
any size.
CM8105D3.ZIP ChekMate 1.05d Known/Unknown Virus Detection
Utility Detects Changes To The Following:
Memory, Boot Sector(s), Partition Table and
Protected Files. Launches BAIT Files to
Entrap/Snare File Infecting Viruses. Give it
a try - Lots of NEW features: *128* bit
Cryptographic Fingerprints,
CYBSIT.ZIP CyberSitter - Provides an increased level of
security for your system.
DAT-9509.ZIP DAT files for VirusScan v2.2.9, Sept. 1995
ENCODE3.ZIP Advanced easy to use file encryption is at
your finger tips! No more waiting around for
that file... This program lets you use a file
on your computer as the password!
FKILLER.ZIP File Killer - When deleting a file it
overwrites the file three times then deletes
it to avoid "undeletes" for protecting
proprietary/confidential information.
FP_218A.ZIP F-PROT version 2.18a - June 1995 The F-PROT
anti-virus package contains a virus scanner
combined with a disinfection program, as well
as a resident monitoring program for
intercepting known viruses. This program is
free of charge for private users, but others
are required to register or obtain the
'Professional' version - see the
documentation for details.
HID_IT32.ZIP Keep your private files private w/this.
INVB602.ZIP The Ultimate Anti Virus Protection -
Invircible - English. Anti virus suit,
Generic Integrity Check & Restoration,
ResQdisk Recovery Toolkit
I_M251C.ZIP INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.51c Virus scanner and
data Integrity! Works well under OS/2, Win95,
Win/NT. Easy to use but protects against much
more than just viruses! Hardware glitches,
software bugs, even deliberate sabotage are
detected. If a virus strikes, IM identifies
it by name and (unlike other programs) also
indentifies any viral damage. It will even
detect new and unknown viruses and now
provides full CMOS protection!
LOCK2.ZIP This file encryption program uses state of
the art technology, a 4 stage virtual matrix,
with optional Lockfile support! Keep those
files private!
LOCKTT21.ZIP LockTite v2.1. Help manage Windows security.
Works with the Program Manager to allow you
to easily restrict the available options on
the menu, to add or remove program groups
from display and add password protection.
MUSAC.ZIP Musac - Assigns multiple users an ID and
password on a single machine. Has the ability
to control acces to applictions, give
different startup applications, Program
Manager desktops, custom colors and more.
PASSGN21.ZIP Random Password Generator v2.1. Randomly
selects from a group of numbers, letters, or
both and select passwords.
PGPSHELL.ZIP Pretty Good Privacy Shell v1.0. Front-end for
the popular DOS encryption program Pretty
Good Privacy.
PGPW40.ZIP WinPGP v4.0. Shell for PGP has toolbar
buttons, real Windows Help for both WinPGP
and PGP.
PUFF10B.ZIP Puffer v1.0b. Password-based data file and
e-mail encryption utility. Uses the Blowfish
algorithm for encryption and the Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA) for key generation. Supports
three output formats.
SAFEPR.ZIP Lock your files in a software safe and set
the combination. Mail the safe using any form
of electronic mail. Anyone receiving the file
sees a closed safe, but can only access its
contents if they know the combination.
Accepts all types of data from disk files,
clipboard cut and paste, drag anddrop, OLE,
etc. Visual and audio feedbackin the user
interface. Win 3.1, WFWG, Win NT, Win 95.
Uses OLE 2.0.
SCN-226E.ZIP VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 226 (9509) 09-14-95
SUSP120.ZIP SUSPICIOUS V1.20 Heuristische
Antiviren-Programme zur Suche/Analyse von
bekannten und unbekannten Viren: SSC -
Erkennung/Analyse von Viren SVS - Residentes
Waechterprogramm SCRC - Integrity-Checker
MEMCHK - Speicherberprfung
TBAVW638.ZIP Thunderbyte Anti-Virus for Windows. A
comprehensive Anti-Virus program for use with
MS-Windows 3.1 and better. Requires TBAV for
Dos (TBAVxxx.ZIP) !
TBAVX635.ZIP Processor-optimized versions of the resident
TBAV v6.35. Utilities are faster/smaller than
those found in the normal TBAV package.
VIRINFO.ZIP VIRINFO May 95. A baker's dozen short text
files from IBM's antivirus lab with info on
the most common viruses of recent years.
VSH-226E.ZIP VShield by McAfee, Inc. Memory-resident (TSR
virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads
into RAM above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3+, 67Kb.
Version 226 (9509) 09-14-95
VSUMX505.ZIP Updated Virus Summary Program from Patricia
Hoffman; lists all known viruses, origins,
descriptions and cures.
WGRP11.ZIP WinGroup v1.1. Create password protected
groups. Icons inside the groups can be
programs, document, or NESTED groups. Icons
can be password protected for creation,
opening, property modification and deletion.
WINPRT2.ZIP WinProtect v2.0. Protection program allows
not only a watertight password protection but
also a Feature Restriction menu which allows
a Feature Restriction menu which allows the
restriction of Program Manager functions.
WIPER10.ZIP Wiper secure file deleter uses multiple
overwrites to wipe file clean
WLDLST.ZIP WILDLIST, May 95. Cooperative listing of
viruses reported as being in the wild by
virus information professionals. Compiled by
an IBM virus specialist.
WPGP_102.ZIP WPGP v1.02. Windows/PGP integration tool that
will extract text from a window, process it
through PGP, and place the result back in the
window. Fully functional 14 day evaluation.
WSC-226E.ZIP VirusScan for Windows McAfee, Inc. Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
Requires Windows 3.1+. Version 226 (9509)
XCAIBUA.ZIP CAIBUA virus detection/remover from NetZ
freeware for the new virus "BIG CAIBUA" (aka
BUTTHEAD). NetZ is the maker of InVircible.